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Improved CRF production method

Plants that absorb nutrients from fertilizer more slowly and in a controlled way are in better shape than plants fertilized conventionally, shows a study by scientists at the AGH University of Science and Technology. They optimized the production of controlled-release fertilizer (CRF) and tested how it works on lacy phacelia, oats, and millet.

Research on 100 percent biodegradable fertilizers is conducted in the Department of Biomaterials at the Faculty of Materials Science and Ceramics of the AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow.


Conclusions of the AGH University of Science and Technology research indicate, among others, that an alternative method of fertilization is the use of fertilizers with controlled release of microelements. These types of fertilizers would slowly release nutrients into the soil. Plants would therefore have continuous access to micronutrients for balanced growth and development. According to the researchers, fertilizers based on slow and controlled release would prevent nutrients from leaching from the soil during heavy rainfall.

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