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Speaker of the Sejm at Westerplatte: In the face of a threats, we always have to stand together

The defense of Westerplatte has become a symbol of bravery, courage, and love for the Motherland. It is the realization of the dream of freedom. Staying at the post, serving Poland. Until the end, even with your life. It is our common tragic history of the war, but it is also a lesson for us, here and now, for the future, said Elżbieta Witek, Speaker of the Sejm, during the 82nd anniversary of the outbreak of World War II.

“82 years ago, on September 1, 1939, at dawn, the crew of the Military Transit Depot on Westerplatte was attacked. World War II began. One of the most tragic periods in the history of the world. Several tens of millions of people died, and Poland as a nation suffered the greatest loss – the death of over twenty percent of the country’s population,” said Marshal Witek.

As she recalled, Westerplatte was the first to resist German aggression.

“Barely 200 soldiers of the Transit Depot, fought against the 4,000-strong, well-equipped enemy army. The Poles were to hold positions for twelve hours. They defended themselves tirelessly for the next six days and nights,” she emphasized.


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