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President decided on the state of emergency on the border with Belarus

President Andrzej Duda has decided to issue a decree on the introduction of a state of emergency in the border zone with Belarus, i.e., in parts of Podlaskie and Lubelskie voivodships, Błażej Spychalski informed. From the moment of publication, it will be in force in 183 towns within a 3 km strip of the border with Belarus. The document is yet to be sent to the Sejm.

Andrzej Duda signed a government decree on the introduction of a state of emergency on the Polish-Belarusian border. After the President’s signature, the document will be sent to the Sejm – the deputies are to meet on this matter already on Monday.


As he pointed out, the proposal has been “thoroughly analyzed” by the president in recent days, also among advisers. Also here, in the National Security Office, the president’s briefings were held, various discussions were held,” Spychalski said.


“Today, literally just a moment ago, the President decided to issue a decree to impose a state of emergency in the area indicated in the request by the Council of Ministers. This is a 3 km strip of the Lublin and Podlasie Voivodeships, this is the border between Poland and Belarus,” Spychalski said.


According to the constitution, this ordinance of the president must be voted on and discussed in the Polish parliament,” Spychalski explained.


The situation at the border is difficult and dangerous. We, as Poland, which is responsible for its borders but also the eastern borders of the EU, must take such decisions and ensure the security of Poland and the EU,” the Presidential Spokesman explained.


Spychalski recalled that similar decisions were also taken by other countries. He mentioned Lithuania and Latvia.


“There, these decisions were taken precisely to protect the borders of their countries and the borders of the EU as much as possible. Hence, such decisions are made by us, but also by our neighbours,” the Presidential Spokesman said.


As Spychalski pointed out, the president’s executive order contained precise provisions on the scope of the restriction of freedoms. He added that such provisions by law had to be in the ordinance.

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