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PGE and Ørsted launch tender for turbines for Baltica Offshore Wind Farm

PGE and Ørsted are launching a tender for the supplier of wind turbine generators for the Offshore Wind Farm Baltica (OWF Baltica), the most capital-intensive part of the investment.

The tender for turbine generators is one of the largest contracts executed as part of the procurement process for the Baltica Offshore Wind Farm (OWF Baltica) with a capacity of up to 2.5 GW, implemented as a 50/50 partnership by PGE Baltica of the PGE Group and Ørsted in the Polish Baltic Sea area. Potential suppliers who have met the formal requirements and have declared their willingness to participate in the prequalification process will be invited to submit binding offers.


“We are entering an intensive purchasing period for the largest offshore wind farm in the Polish part of the Baltic Sea. We will be launching procurement proceedings in 2021 and 2022. The numbers prove the scale of the project: the area of the Baltica Marine Wind Farm (320 km2) is larger than the area of Gdańsk. Around 200 wind turbines will be placed in such an area,” says Søren Westergaard Jensen, Ørsted’s Development Director for the Baltica offshore wind farm.


“The launch of the tender for the wind turbine generators is another very important step in the investment schedule. Together with Ørsted, we are preparing for tenders for further components of the project. Parallel to the purchasing process, work is underway on further elements of the investment, and we are in active dialogue with key entities, including potential service and installation ports. Our goal is to complete the investment on time so that the first electricity from the Baltica Offshore Wind Farm, jointly developed by PGE and Ørsted, will flow to Polish homes in 2026,” adds Wojciech Dąbrowski, President of the Management Board of PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna.


According to the schedule, the commissioning of the first stage of the Baltica offshore wind farm project, i.e., Baltica 3 (with a capacity of approx. 1045 MW) is planned for 2026. The next stage, i.e., Baltica 2 (with a capacity of approx. 1500 MW) is to be completed by 2027. These investments will contribute to accelerating the Polish energy transition. Both stages of the Baltica OWF have the location and environmental decisions, transmission network connection agreements with the operator, and have been granted the right to a Contract for Difference.


After the preparation and construction phase, PGE and Ørsted will operate the Baltica Offshore Wind Farm for 30 years, supplying clean energy to millions of Polish households, businesses, and institutions.

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