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Polish National Parks – The Stolowe Mountains National Park

Since March 2016, Stołowe Mountain National Park has been using a new logotype. It presents a stylized sandstone rock formation and an outline of Szczeliniec Wielki – the highest peak of the Stołowe Mountains.


Stołowe Mountains National Park was established on 16.09.1993. It is located in the Central Sudetes in the north-western part of the Kłodzko region, near the Polish-Czech border. The Stołowe Mountains are called the Polish south-western part of the vast sandstone layer situated between the Karkonosze, the Bystrzyckie, and Orlickie Mountains. 


The Czech part of it is called Broumovska Vrchovina and is also under protection (CHKO Broumovsko). 


The Stołowe Mountains National Park is the nineteenth National Park created in 1993 to protect inanimate nature. 


A significant part of the north-western part lies on the territory of the Czech Republic, where it is called the Broumov Highlands (Broumovska Vrchovina). This range passes again to the Polish territory in the form of Zawory, rising south from Mieroszów over the Zadrna valley.


Additional attractions:


– hiking trails (total 160 km),

– “Rock city” on Szczeliniec Wielki – rock blocks with characteristic shapes,

– Rock labyrinths of Błędne Skały in the Skalniak massif,

– Rocky Fungi and Radkowskie Rocks,

– Museum of Frogs in Kudowa Zdrój,

– Pośna Waterfalls,

– Eagle Eagle Rocks,

– Łężyckie Rocks.

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