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PGE appreciated internationally

PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna, as the only company from Poland, has found itself among the companies with the best investor relations in this year’s international survey by Institutional Investor, a leading global publisher in the area of finance.

PGE also received the title of Most Honored Company by placing in the top positions in the largest number of categories among all utility companies. Among companies from the public utility sector, PGE took second place in the categories of best investor relations team, best IR program, and best event for investors. 


At the same time, Filip Osadczuk, who heads the PGE SA Investor Relations team, took second place individually in the Best Investor Relations Professional category.


“Investor relations is one of the key aspects of our business. This is not only a reliable fulfillment of information obligations but above all an open and professional communication with all market participants. It is designed to help you understand the company’s business and its growth strategy. We are proud that PGE, as the only company from Poland, was ranked among the companies with the best investor relations in this year’s survey conducted by the Institutional Investor service,” says Wojciech Dąbrowski, President of the Management Board of PGE Polska Grupa Energetyczna.


An independent survey conducted by Institutional Investor for more than 20 years, it is a globally recognized ranking that evaluates investor relations, brokerage offices, and industry professionals.


In the survey, more than 1500 investors, fund managers, and stock analysts from brokerage houses and banks cast their votes. The companies’ investor relations were evaluated according to criteria such as the usefulness of investor conferences and meetings with investors, result conferences, business and market knowledge, responsiveness, authority and credibility, timeliness, consistency, and detail of financial disclosures.


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