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    Main Market Square in Krakow

    The most beautiful. The most delightful. The most important public space. The most expensive Market Square of medieval Europe. Simply the best!

    The Main Market Square of the Old Town in Kraków is regular and square. It was situated on the so-called Royal Route (leading from the Barbican to Wawel). 


    Almost all townhouses and palaces around Market Square are historical buildings that are several hundred years old, and house, among others, the Historical Museum of the City of Krakow and the International Cultural Centre as well as shops with exclusive goods. 


    The most famous restaurants are Wierzynek (no. 15) and Hawełka – Tetmajerowska (no. 34). Café Vis a Vis at no. 29 was the favourite place of Piotr Skrzynecki, the founder of the “Piwnica pod Baranami” (Piwnica pod Baranami) cabaret. His statue in a distinctive hat is still in the café garden of the premises.


    On the Main Market Square there are:

    – monument to Adam Mickiewicz,

    – Pod Jaszczury Mansion (Pod Jaszczurką, sometimes called Under the Lizard),

    – Bonerowska Mansion,

    – Piwnica pod Baranami (also called Pod Baranami Mansion or Under the Rams),

    – the Cloth Hall,

    – Rynek Underground,

    – Town Hall Tower,

    – St Mary’s Church,

    – St Adalbert’s Church,

    and many more. 


    For more information visit the Kraków Travel.

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