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Are Poles thinking about tomorrow?

A nationwide educational campaign on Sustainable Development Goals – Good Goals – is launched. It aims to show consumers how they can take care of the planet and their quality of life with their everyday actions. It is organized by the 17 Goals Campaign. The online event launching the initiative “Aim for Tomorrow. Today! The “#dobrecele” will be held on Friday, September 24 from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm.

The survey of Poles’ awareness conducted by CSR Consulting in cooperation with BNP Paribas Bank showed that the understanding of the terms “Sustainable Development Goals”, “Agenda 2030” and even “sustainable development” among consumers is very low. At the same time, awareness of the need to improve the environment and quality of life is high. In the survey, consumers admitted that they lack the knowledge to act on Goals – they just don’t know what to do.


In response to this need, a nationwide educational campaign aimed at consumers will be launched – Good Goals. It will include a website, a spot, and a range of other educational materials about the Sustainable Development Goals and the actions each of us can take, here and now, to join in making them a reality.


“The implementation of the 2030 Agenda adopted by the UN requires broad cooperation and involvement of everyone – from governments and NGOs to business and consumers. We have been working with companies for the past 5 years as part of the 17 Goals Campaign. However, no initiative on the Polish market would directly involve consumers in the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals. Therefore, with our partners, we decided to fill this gap. Many entities have been operating for years. Today, we are uniting under the umbrella of Good Goals to reinforce the message and show how these projects contribute to the implementation of Agenda 2030,” said Małgorzata Greszta, CSR Consulting, initiator of the 17 Goals Campaign.


The initiator of the Good Goals educational campaign is the 17 Goals Campaign. It is a cross-sectoral initiative that for 5 years has been mobilizing Polish businesses to take action to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. The main partners of the campaign are the Consumer Federation and the Central Statistical Office. Among the partners, there are also local governments, e.g., the City of Warsaw and the Upper Silesian and Zagłębie Metropolis.


Nearly 40 non-governmental organizations are substantive partners. Each is under the umbrella of the Sustainable Development Goal in which it operates. It shares its knowledge of the challenges and available solutions. It inspires activity by inviting people to join its actions, campaigns, and events.


The Good Goals campaign will be launched at the online event “Aim for Tomorrow. Today! #dobrecele” on Friday, September 24 from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm.


The event is part of the celebration of the World Day of Action, which takes place every year on the anniversary of the adoption of the 2030 Agenda by the United Nations. Events are held around the globe to spread awareness of the Goals and encourage action on them, creating a worldwide movement to achieve them.

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