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Every generation has to fight for Poland

Every generation has to fight for independence, for sovereignty, and for Poland. Some generations fight with weapons in their hands to regain independence, we have a peaceful fight with EU institutions, said Paweł Piekarczyk in an interview with the Niezalezna. pl website. And he calls for participation in the demonstration “You will not extinguish Poland”.

On Friday (October 1) at noon, the clubs of “Gazeta Polska” weekly will be demonstrating in front of the Representation of the European Commission at Jasna 14 / 16A Street in Warsaw in a great demonstration under the slogan: “You will not extinguish Poland”.

The idea of the protest appeared in the face of subsequent decisions of the European Commission and the CJEU aimed directly at depriving Poland of sovereignty – both in the sphere of lawmaking and energy – which bear all the hallmarks of blackmail.

“Every generation has to fight for independence, for sovereignty, for Poland. Some generations fight with weapons in hands to regain independence, we have a peaceful fight with EU institutions,” said a journalist, bard, coordinator of foreign clubs of “Gazeta Polska” weekly in an interview with the Niezalezna. pl website Paweł Piekarczyk.

“We must gather, we must show that we are and we must mobilize ourselves for very serious actions,” he points out adding that “this is what our demonstration on Friday (October 1) is to serve in front of the seat of the EU Representation in Poland”.


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