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Apple – the zero-waste fruit

After making an autumn apple pie, we are left with a lot of skins and seedpods that usually end up in the trash. It’s a shame because they contain a lot of valuable nutrients for health. Sometimes we use peelings as a base for fruit teas or compote, but they have several less obvious uses. See how much we can gain by eating apples and living a zero-waste lifestyle.

Homemade apple cider vinegar


Such vinegar is perfect in the kitchen but you can successfully use it as an ecological cleaner or body care product.


Fruit crisps


Peels, in a very simple way, we can use to make a delicious, homemade snack, no comparison healthier than the popular chips from the store.




All you need to make this delicious dessert are the core and peels from a dozen or so apples, water, sugar, and a bit of lemon juice.


Scented potpourri


This is a sensational idea for a natural fragrance, a perfect alternative to expensive and unsightly air fresheners, e.g., for the wardrobe. Potpourri is edible, so you can also add some to your tea.


This article was written as part of the 2019-2021 campaign “CuTE: Cultivating the Taste of Europe” by FruitVegetablesEUROPE (EUCOFEL), the European Fruit and Vegetable Trade Association. The Polish partner in the project is the National Union of Groups of Producers of Fruit and Vegetables (KZGPOiW).


The project is co-financed by the European Union.


More information about the campaign is available on the project’s official website:



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