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Flags in windows to express respect for soldiers and guards at the border #DumaiSzacunek

White and red flags are already flying in many windows, on balconies, and in front of houses. The official support for the action was expressed by the PO (Civic Platform) Senator Kazimierz Kleina on the pages of Telewizja Republika. You also can express support for the border guards, soldiers, and police officers who defend Poland’s eastern border.

The #DumaiSzacunek (#PrideandRespoect) action was initiated by the editorial staff of the Niezalezna. pl website and “Gazeta Polska”, and other media of the Free Speech Zone. The initiative is attracting increasing interest. We encourage you to share information about the campaign on social media.


Let’s be together in these difficult times of trial! Let’s display the white and red flags on our homes, balconies, in windows – an expression of pride and respect for the service performed on Poland’s eastern border.


Our appeal to display white and red flags is a sign of support for border guards, soldiers, and policemen. 

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