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    The assault on the Polish border is underway [VIDEO]

    The dangerous incident occurred at the border. At night, four Belarusian officers tried to damage a fence and force 11 migrants to enter Poland, the Ministry of National Defence said. Videos have also been published showing how tense the situation has been at the border in recent hours. Soldiers and officers repel another assault by a group of migrants.

    The Ministry of National Defense reported that there was another incident on the Polish-Belarusian border.


    “Last night, four Belarusian officers tried to damage the fence and force 11 migrants to enter Poland. The soldiers managed to thwart this attempt,” informed the Ministry of National Defence on Twitter.


    “Migrants have attacked our soldiers and officers with stones and are trying to destroy the fence and enter Poland. Our services used tear gas to quell the migrants’ aggression,” the Ministry added, writing about the situation in Kuźnica.


    Earlier, the Ministry also published information that “Belarusian services under the cover of night destroy the fence to allow migrants to cross the border illegally”. Belarusian services destroy the border fence at night


    The latest photos from the border were also published by the Belarusian opposition journalist Tadeusz Giczan:




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