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    Polish enterprises at the World Exhibition EXPO in Dubai

    One of the most important cultural and business events – EXPO in Dubai – has been going on since October. The beneficiaries of the Go to Brand EXPO Dubai competition are participating in the exhibition. Polish Agency for Enterprise Development will participate in two events during the fair.

    Go to Brand is a competition that aims to help finance promotional activities of Polish brands in foreign markets. In the completed call, project financing was granted to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises. The total amount of funds in the competition is 50 million PLN. As many as 300 Go to Brand beneficiaries are currently promoting their products at the Dubai World EXPO.


    The competition aimed at strengthening economic relations between Poland and the United Arab Emirates and the countries of the Persian Gulf region, i.e., Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman and Bahrain.


    In the contest Go to Brand, financed from the Intelligent Development Programme, the eligible costs are, among others, participation in the Polish-Arabic Economic Forum.


    Beneficiaries of the Go to Brand competition have a chance to appear in foreign markets. EXPO is an event attended by business people from all over the world. This is a great opportunity to make international friends and interest potential partners in your products. This is an excellent opportunity for individual meetings, during which the signing of bilateral agreements is planned.


    A Polish-Arab Economic Forum is scheduled for December 6, 2021. The event will aim to promote mutual economic contacts, to present Polish experiences in the field of exporting products and services, in particular from industries related to the EXPO theme. The event will also provide networking opportunities with economic partners from the Persian Gulf countries. The Polish-Arabic Economic Forum will be attended by representatives of the highest state authorities and a large group of entrepreneurs, also those using the support of the Go to Brand program. 

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