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    Sign of peace in the Parliament

    The MPs of the 9th Polish parliament were sworn in today following the Law and Justice party’s win in last month’s parliamentary elections. During the inaugural session, speeches were given by the Polish president Andrzej Duda and the senior speaker, Antoni Macierewicz. Elżbieta Witek, became the speaker of the lower house, the Sejm, in the absence of other candidates. The parliamentary clubs decided that the Sejm will have 5 deputy speakers.

    The first sitting of the parliament of the 9th term of office was opened by the senior speaker, Antoni Macierewicz. The new MPs were in turn welcomed by president Andrzej Duda, who gave a speech already considered by many to be a historical one.

    “I’m certain, we can find mutual understanding on any matter, even if there’s a difference of views on it. There is only one Poland and I want you to remember that. I would want you to shake hands at the beginning of this term. I want you to shake hands just like normal people do when they need to have a debate on very important matters, when they sit down and discuss things calmly – to then leave in peace and friendship, despite all the differences and divisions”. – says Andrzej Duda, President of Poland

    At the end of the speech, the president made a symbolic gesture, shaking hands with all MPs sitting in the first row. After that, the MPs swore an oath and the speaker of the parliament was chosen. It was once again Elżbieta Witek.

    “As the parliament’s speaker, I will do everything I can to support you, whenever you need it”- says Elżbieta Witek, speaker of the Parliament.

    Tonight, prime minister Mateusz Morawiecki will give an official notice of dismissal of his government to president Duda. The Polish PM’s new cabinet will probably be sworn in on Thursday, and his expose will come a day later, on Friday, November 15th.   

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