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The Presidential Couple received the Bethlehem Light of Peace from the scouts

On Tuesday (14 Dec), President Andrzej Duda and his wife Agata Kornhauser-Duda received the Bethlehem Light of Peace from scouts. “We thank you for this gift that gives strength, warmth, and hope,” said the President during the ceremony at the Presidential Palace.

“We thank you very much for the gift of the Bethlehem Light of Peace, which gives strength, warmth, and hope,” said the President during the ceremony of handing over the Bethlehem Light of Peace by the scouts.

He pointed out that the Bethlehem Light of Peace brings hope to nations, states, families, all those who suffer and need what is symbolized by fire: security, warmth, shelter.

First Lady Agata Kornhauser-Duda thanked that the Bethlehem Light of Peace went not only to institutions but also to those in need. She thanked the scouts for their daily activities and for helping people in need.

Head of the Polish Scouting and Guiding Association, hm. Grzegorz Woźniak, on behalf of all scout organizations operating in Poland, wished the presidential couple a Merry Christmas, as well as good and wise decisions in the upcoming 2022.


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