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    Wojciech O. in police custody. He called for the assassination of politicians

    On Monday evening, CID officers from the provincial and city police headquarters in Bydgoszcz detained Wojciech O., who, during a Saturday gathering, called for crimes, including the murder of politicians. The detainee is expected to be charged on Tuesday.

    “CID officers from the Provincial Police Station and the City Police Station in Bydgoszcz detained Wojciech O. The man was arrested in connection with Saturday’s gathering and public incitement to commit a crime. Tomorrow, he will hear the charge,” reported the Provincial Police Headquarter on Twitter.


    Wojciech O. on Saturday spoke at the Bydgoszcz Stop Sanitary Discrimination Protest, often brandishing a long stick.


    “Camaraderie, that is the stick to kick MP’s snout. If they vote the way they want on February 1, they will pass this Civil War bill, the capo bill. This law creates each sort of capo – everyone will report on everyone, everyone will watch everyone, they will create hell. If they do, they condemn themselves to death, and we make these junk lists. We warn them, if they vote yes, I (he gave his name – ed.) want to kill them,”- said during the gathering Wojciech O.


    He encouraged those gathered to take part in the election and seize power and envisioned a role of executioner for himself. 


    “I will kill for you the way you want to,”- he said.


    Wojciech O. made threats against, among others, a female deputy who is in favour of mandatory vaccinations, and against journalists.


    Wojciech O. is famous for his video streaming of pathological content on social media. This is not the first detention of Wojciech O. The man is already known to the police, among others, for his previous anti-Semitic provocations.

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