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1,5 mln Ukrainians fled to Poland, National Assembly and historic crisis [VIDEO]

The assembly of deputies and senators was held on the eve of the 23rd anniversary of Poland’s accession to the North Atlantic Pact, which is on March 12.


The President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky, took part in the assembly via an internet connection and thanked Poland for the support shown.


The Polish Parliament (Sejm) is working on the law on the defence of the fatherland. It is to reform the existing regulations in this matter. It is based on 3 foundations: modernizing the Polish Armed Forces, increasing the attractiveness of the service and implementing the concept of universal defence. It abolishes 14 legal acts and introduces instead one large regulation: it allows obtaining additional funds for armaments, e.g., in the form of leasing agreements, modernization of the equipment of the Polish Army and increasing its number: 250 thousand professional soldiers and 50 thousand soldiers of the Territorial Defense Forces.


Over 1.5 million refugees have already entered Poland since the beginning of the war. 93.5% of people crossing the border are Ukrainian citizens. The rest include Polish people.

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