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Stand with Ukraine: New EP website supports Ukraine

A new website of the European Parliament was launched on Friday 11 March, highlighting all the EU’s actions in support of Ukraine. The website will initially only be available in English and Ukrainian, with more translations being added gradually.

The page “Stand with Ukraine” is available at THIS ADDRESS. It shows how the European Union supports Ukraine, including during the Russian invasion since 24 February.


The website publishes the latest news on the EU’s relations with Ukraine. There you can also watch videos and listen to podcasts, find relevant laws and solutions, and learn how the EU helps Ukraine. There are also links to useful websites.


“The EU stands with Ukraine: on this website produced by the European Parliament, you can discover how the EU has supported Ukraine, including in its current struggle against Russia.  


Following the Revolution of Dignity in 2013-2014, the European Parliament engaged in an unprecedented level of cooperation with the Verkhovna Rada (parliament) of Ukraine in the field of democracy support.


In the framework of a Memorandum of Understanding renewed in 2021 between the European Parliament’s President and the Rada’s Speaker, regular exchanges and dialogues, study visits and support actions are taking place.


Actively supporting the European Union’s international efforts to promote democracy and human rights is one of the European Parliament’s core responsibilities, set out in the EU’s founding treaties.


You can find the latest news, check out videos and podcasts, find relevant legislation and resolution and discover how the EU is helping Ukraine. There are also links to useful websites.


The EU has always been keen to forge closer links with Ukraine, boost its economy and support democracy and the rule of law in the country. It has consistently opposed Russian aggression against Ukraine,” is written on the website. 


On March 1, 2022, the European Parliament held an extraordinary plenary session at which Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky addressed MEPs. Parliament expressed its unwavering support for Ukraine and called for further action.


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