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    “Russia infects world with lies”

    “Russia’s military assault on Ukraine has been accompanied by the Kremlin’s systematic activities in the field of propaganda and disinformation. The messages presented by Moscow are designed to conceal the true nature of Russia’s criminal actions in Ukraine, to discredit the Ukrainian authorities and to manipulate the image of NATO-Russia relations,” Stanisław Żaryn, the Spokesperson of the Minister-Special Services Coordinator, wrote yesterday (March 16).

    The situation in Ukraine is tense but Russia still openly lies about what is really happening there. According to Żaryn, Russia is trying to infect global public opinion with its messages. 


    “The information activities aim to present a false image of the war against Ukraine but also to avoid questions about casualties among Russian soldiers and tensions in society which is increasingly feeling the economic effects of the Russian war,” Żaryn wrote. 


    On the government website, the Spokesperson of the Minister-Special Services Coordinator listed the identified lies about the war in Ukraine that Russia is distributing. 



    “These lies are spread by the Russian media, politicians and public institutions, including Russian embassies around the world. The campaigns to misinform public opinion are supervised by the special services. To increase their effectiveness, the Kremlin cuts off its citizens from alternative sources of information – Russian independent media and foreign media – and drastically tightens censorship,” he informed. 


    As everyone knows, Poland is a constant target of Russian disinformation activities. 



    These aggressive propaganda and disinformation activities are supervised by the most prominent Russian officials and secret services. It is all because Kremlin does not want to be seen as the aggressor, attacker and perpetrator. 

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