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“The Ambassador” cake from New Brzesko [recipe]

The “Ambassador” is a traditional Polish cake. My best friend from New Brzesko has known the “Ambassador” cake for a long time. His family is used to preparing it for various occasions.

 It is a layered sponge biscuit with two-colour pudding and delicacies. It is covered with jelly with peaches.




Sponge biscuit:

  • 4 eggs,
  • 80 g wheat flour,
  • 80 g potato starch,
  • 150 g sugar,
  • 2 tbsp of water.


Pudding mass:

  • 6 egg yolks,
  • 750 ml milk,
  • 220 g sugar,
  • 3 spoonfuls of potato starch (= 60 g),
  • 400 g butter (room temperature),
  • 1⁄2 lemon juice,
  • 2 spoonfuls of coconut shreds,
  • 2 tbsp of cocoa,
  • 2 tbsp of raisins,
  • 60 g chopped chocolate,
  • 50 g chopped nuts or almonds.



  • juice of half a lemon
  • about 1⁄3 cup of water


In addition:

  • 2 packets of jelly, any sort (my friend always uses peach jelly)
  • 1 can of peaches 




Prepare the sponge biscuit. 

1. Mix the flour with the starch and set it aside.

2. Separate the egg white from the egg yolk. Beat the egg whites to a stiff foam. 

3. Then add the sugar gradually. Add one egg yolk after another while stirring constantly. 

4. Add the flour in portions to the egg mass, and stir gently with a wooden spoon until the ingredients combine. In the meantime, add water. 

5. Layout the bottom of a rectangular baking tray with baking paper. 

6. Put the finished sponge biscuit into the baking tray and bake in a preheated oven for about 30 minutes at 180°C (up-and-down heating). Let it cool.


Prepare the pudding. 

7. Bring 500 ml of milk and sugar to a boil. 

8. Mix the remaining milk with egg yolk and potato starch. 

9. Add to the boiling milk and stir quickly with a whisk. 

10. Cook for a while (about 1 minute) until the pudding is thickened. 

11. Remove the finished pudding from the heat and immediately cover with cling foil so that the foil touches the surface of the pudding (so no skin forms on the pudding). Let it cool.

12. Rub the soft butter with a blender to a fluffy mass. Continue mixing, and gradually add the chilled pudding.

13. Divide the mass into halves. Add the lemon juice to the first half (fair pudding). Then add the coconut shreds and mix with a spatula.

14. Stir the cocoa into the second half (dark pudding). Then add raisins, chopped chocolate and nuts and mix with a spatula.


Prepare the punch. 

15. Mix lemon juice with cold water.

16. Soak the sponge biscuit with a punch. 

17. Put a dark pudding on it and then the fair one.

18. Place the dough in the fridge to harden the cake.

19. Drain the peaches, cut them into slices and place them on the pudding mixture.

20. Prepare the jellies according to the recipe on the packaging, but in total do not give more than 750 ml of boiling water. 

21. Let it cool, place in the fridge and then pour over the fruits.

22. Place the dough in the fridge for a few hours or one night.


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