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    Kiwi berry: 4.5 million consumers in 2022

    Kiwi berry is one of the healthiest and most anticipated Polish superfruits. Two years ago, 3.6 million Poles ate the fruits of this little cousin Kiwi. In 2021, there were already 3.9 million consumers. In the spring of 2022, Kantar asked what lesser-known and cultivated species in Poland would Poles try. Among the most popular is the kiwi berry. The willingness to try the Kiwi berry in the coming season is declared by 14% of adult Poles, that is 4,522,905 people.

    “There is a significant increase compared to the results of the 2020 and 2021 seasons. According to our research, 3.9 million people have already eaten kiwi berry (Kantar, October 2021). Recent studies show 4.5 million consumers who are interested in consumption,” Agata Zadrożna, an expert at Kantar Polska, says.


    “The growing interest in kiwi berry fruits is very gratifying. This is the result of intensive promotional efforts by many people involved in the market success of these fruits. Both producers and people working within the campaign >>Time for Polish Superfruits!<<. We are seeing a clear upward trend here. 5 years ago, kiwi berry fruit was hardly known at all. The current results are a huge success," Piotr Latocha, PhD, associate professor at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences, promoter of the species and the cooperation in the entire supply chain, says.


    Why do we say “Polish Kiwi Berry”?


    Kiwi berry is increasingly referred to as “Polish.” According to the same principle as blueberry, it is still called “American.” The term is derived from the country in which the species was “domesticated.” Only a few of the many kiwi berry lovers know that Prof. Piotr Latocha and SGGW in Warsaw are behind its success.


    “It is gratifying that so many people want to know the fruits we produce. This is strong proof of the decision to start growing. Declarations are good predictions for future consumption. I hope that learning the health benefits and taste will increase the number of people who regularly eat kiwi berry,” Kamil Osoś, a kiwi berry farmer from Białośń, Greater Poland Voivodeship, Pilsen County, says.


    One of the most nutritious fruits


    This healthy snack is one of the richest sources of vitamin C. Kiwi berry contains more than 20 different health-promoting compounds, including large amounts of fibre.


    “The rising demand is a message that gives us strength in the fight against the coming frosts. We want to produce enough fruit in Poland to satisfy the appetite of 4.5 million consumers. This is undoubtedly a great success of the campaign to promote >>Kiwi berry the superfruit<<,” Paweł Osoba, a grower from Lublin Voivodeship, Baranów Municipality, member of the Kiwi berry Growers Association, adds.


    Kiwi berry has been gaining popularity for about 20 years. It has more and more varieties and a growing group of experienced planters. Besides apples, currants, honeyberries, blueberries, raspberries and strawberries, this is another species of which we are one of the largest producers in the world.


    The season for Polish superfruits starts with spring strawberries. Kiwi berry extends this “berry season” perfectly and helps us to strengthen the immune system in the autumn in a natural way. 


    The study was carried out by Kantar as part of the project “CORE TEAM – Promotion of Fruit and Vegetable Consumption and the Industry Cooperation Forum.” On March 11-16, 2022, a representative sample of 1002 Poles aged 15 years and older were asked using direct interviews in the homes of the respondents (CAPI). The project was financed by the Fruit and Vegetable Promotion Fund.

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