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Eastern Catholic and Orthodox Easter – A photo relation from the St. Nicolas Greek Catholic Church in Cyganek

Eastern Catholic and Orthodox Christians celebrate Easter later than most Christians in the western world because the churches calculate the holiday by different calendars. See the photo relation from one of the greek catholic churches in Poland.

According to, Orthodox Christians follow the Julian calendar that was established by Julius Caesar in 45 B.C. and is based on the solar cycle. Orthodox Easter occurs between April 4 and May 8, following the first full moon after Passover. Orthodox Easter always falls after the Jewish celebration of Passover, because, according to the New Testament, the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ took place after he entered Jerusalem to celebrate Passover. In 2022, Orthodox Easter occurs on April 24.

Countries that officially observe the Orthodox Easter period include Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Lebanon, the Republic of Macedonia, Romania, Russia, and Ukraine. There are no federal Orthodox Easter public holidays in countries such as Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States. However, it is a time for families and friends of the Orthodox Christian faith to gather together and celebrate the Orthodox Easter period, as reported by

The holiday is not much different from Christian Easter. Eastern Catholic and Orthodox Christians celebrate the Easter holiday with joyous church services and family gatherings. One of the traditions is to eat Pascha and hard-boiled eggs with a characteristic embroidery pattern. 


John 1:29 says, “Behold the lamb of God which takes away the sins of the world.” 


Also, the red colour of the eggs symbolises the blood of Christ. The believers also bring baskets with Easter eggs and other foods forbidden during Great Lent to Church and the priests bless them. Eastern Orthodox churches often hold a Paschal Vigil on Holy Saturday and when a candlelight procession is held. 

People greet each other with the exclamation: Христос Воскрес!


Check the gallery to see photos from the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus.


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