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Chocolate festival in Gdansk-Sopot

The Chocolate Festival arrives in Gdansk-Sopot on May 7th and 8th. Guests will be able to taste and buy different kinds of chocolate, listen to lectures about the history of its production and even make their own chocolate. The event takes place in the Ergo Arena, placed on the border of Gdansk and Sopot.

On Saturday, the event starts at 11 a.m. with a screening of “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory”. At 1p.m. Arkadiusz Dziczek will lead a lecture about the history of chocolate and how it was transported from Mesoamerica to Europe. Later, the founder of Prawdziwe Kakao (True Cocoa Company) – Patrick will explain what is ceremonial cocoa and how to prepare it. In a kids’ corner, there will be stands for decorating cookies with sugar mass, making flowers from waffle paper and a workshop on making your own chocolate. The event ends at 7 p.m. with a sweet repast.

On Sunday, the event will last between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. The kid’s corner will be structured the same way as during the previous day, but kids will make “Hearts for Moms” as a way of appreciating them for Mother’s Day. However, there will be completely new lectures. At 11 a.m., Marka Otorongo will make a speech “Through Cocoa to the harmony of life and happiness”. Later will start cooking demonstrations. At 12 p.m., there will be a demonstration of baking a Kyiv Torte and traditional meringue Ukrainian cake, and at 3 p.m. Manufaktura u Dziwisza representats will show how to make pralines. In the meantime, there will be drawing contests and a read-along of “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

The event is co-organized by the Regional Centre of Blood Donation and Treatment, which started an action “Donate Blood for Millano Bag”. Those who will donate blood will get a bag of sweets from Millano Company, a well-known Polish chocolate factory. Honorary blood donors from the centre will get a free entry to the Chocolate Festival for themselves and 3 other people.


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