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Manifestation of Mothers against the war in Ukraine [VIDEO]

On Mother’s Day in Poland Poles and Ukrainians stood together in solidarity with Ukrainian mothers whose husbands and sons fight in the war against Russia. The protest started at 5:30 P.M. at Plac na Rozdrożu and ended at 8P.M at the Ujazdowski Castle.

The protest was organized by Euromaidan Warsaw and Krąg Siostrzeństwa (Eng. The Circle of Sisterhood) Foundation. Its main goal was to show support for mothers who are losing their spouses and children to war but also to protest against violence and brutality. Among the demonstrators’ slogans were “We don’t give birth for cannon fodder and death” and “We bear children so they grow up safely and change the world for the better”.

Despite its name, “Manifestation of Mothers for Peace and Love” wasn’t dedicated to women only. The organizators sent out a special invitation for men as the co-creators of life. The demonstrators gathered at 5:30 P.M. at Plac na Rozdrożu and went through the streets of Warsaw with Ukrainian flags, singing and shouting out anti-war slogans. The protest ended at 8 P.M. at the Ujazdowski Castle. 

You can watch a video from the protest below



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