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Poles conquered and descended from the second largest waterfall in the world! OSHEE Slide Challenge [PHOTOS]

This year on June 23, the Oshee Slide Challenge team was the first in the world to conquer the Skorga virgin waterfall in Norway! They descended on ropes from a height of 864 meters. After over 12 hours, the team successfully get their feet on the ground again. It is the next stage of the Crown of Waterfalls project, i.e. a rope descent from the 10 highest waterfalls in the world. The originator and main organizer of the project is Dariusz Pachut. The Poles started the project in 2019 with the highest waterfall in the world – Salto Angel in Venezuela. After a three-year hiatus caused by a pandemic, they continue with the project.

In 2019, the project was opened with a descent from the highest waterfall in the world, Salto Angel in Venezuela. According to National Geographic Society, its hight is 979 m. The expedition lasted several days, and the team had to overcome several dozen kilometers of the Amazon jungle, savannah, swamps and hills. In the end, they managed to reach the summit of Auyantepui, from where the waters of the famous giant flow off.

After pandemic, the team started the trek on February 20, 2022 and went to Tugela Falls, South Africa. The participants of the expedition entered the plateau of the Drakensberg Mountains, located at an altitude of 3000 m above sea level. They took specialized mountaineering equipment weighing 200 kilograms with them. They spent the first night at the edge of the waterfall in tents. The second day of the expedition went very smoothly. After a dozen or so hours, the team safely stood Tugela Falls. 

Besides Salto Angel in Venezuela (2019), Tugela Falls in South Africa (2022), the agenda of the challenge includes:

Cataratas las Tres Hermanas (Peru, 914 m),
Oloʻupena (USA, 900 m),
Catarata Yumbilla (Peru, 896 m),
Vinnufossen (Norway, 865 m),
Skorga (Norway, 864 m),
Pu’uka’oku (USA, 840 m),
James Bruce Falls (Canada, 840 m),
Browne Falls (New Zealand, 836 m).

The team continue with the project and the Skorga Fall in Norway expedition is planned on June 2022. 

And yes, they did indeed! Poles from the OSHEE Slide Challenge team conquered and descended from Skorga, the second largest waterfall in the world! The third stage of the project started on June 22nd at 3pm. The first descents took place in the canyon with a very high water level. The team used the special mountaineering equipment to explore the waterfall. The abseiling ended on June 23 at 3.30 am. After the descent, the whole team safely reached the base. The Norwegian Skorga Waterfall is the second highest in Europe and the seventh in the world in terms of height.

“This is not the end of our adventures in Norway. In the coming days, we will conquer Vinnufossen, which is a planned part of our collection of the 10 highest waterfalls in the world. After Salto Angel, Tugela Falls and Skorga will be fourth on our list.”, said Jan Wierzejski on Instagram.

The team consists of: Dariusz Pachut, Dimitri Wika, Kuba Poburka, Jan Wierzejski, Miłosz Forczek, Wojciech Kozakiewicz and Tomasz Grodzicki.

The titular sponsor is the Oshee brand, the hardware sponsor is AMC Petzl, the clothes were provided by Jack Wolfskin, and the media patronage was taken by National Geographic Polska.

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