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Traces of the Borkovice dinosaurs

July will mark the first anniversary of the discovery of dinosaur tracks in Borkowice near the town of Przysucha in the Mazowieckie Voivodeship. The site is part of the Przysucha Forestry Commission’s area, currently leased to a ceramic clay mine from part of the “Borkowice-Radestów” refractory clay deposit. It was during the mining of the clay that dinosaur tracks were exposed. The State Forests declare their full willingness to cooperate with all interested parties to preserve this valuable find while respecting current legislation.

The discovery of dinosaur tracks in Borkowice is a multifaceted and complex issue, which is the subject of interest and activities of various organisations, institutions, local government and the company, as a result of the applicable legislation.


The unique geological specimens (dinosaur tracks) in the form of rock blocks with imprints found so far in the excavation by scientists in cooperation with the lessee of the site, WIS-GROUP Sp. z o.o., have been relocated by the entrepreneur to plots of land owned by the entrepreneur, as agreed with the State Geological Institute.


The State Forests declare their full willingness to cooperate with the parties to work out the most favourable solution to preserve this valuable find while respecting the applicable legislation.


These are not the only dinosaur tracks in the forest districts of the Radom RDSF. In the Stąporków Forest Inspectorate there is a nature reserve called “Gagaty Sołtykowskie.” Dinosaur tracks, including those left by the new ichnogosaur species Kayentapus soltykovensis, were imprinted about 200 million years ago in the Jurassic river valley by many individuals, of various species

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