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No horse-drawn carriages on Krakow Market Square

The Institute of Meteorology and Water Management issued a warning that the permanent carriage service on Market Square will be closed from 9.30 AM to 7 PM on Wednesday, July 20. The warning concerns hot weather with temperatures of 30 Celsius degrees and above.

Due to a warning issued by the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management concerning hot weather with temperatures of 30°C and above, the permanent carriage service on Market Square will be closed from 9.30 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Wednesday, 20 July. 


On Wednesday, July 20, forecasters predict very hot temperatures in Kraków. Due to the temperature of 30-celsius degrees and above, the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management issued a warning. During this time, the substitute stop on Mikołajska Street in front of St. Mary’s Basilica will be closed.


At the same time, bearing in mind the safety of drivers and horses, the Institute oblige all drivers to use the remaining shaded alternative stops (at the Barbican and on the Planty avenues). Drivers are also obliged to regularly water their horses and to keep abreast of announcements and weather forecasts.


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