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Cracovia Sacra Night in Cracow

Cracovians and tourists have an opportunity to see churches and monasteries during the traditional Cracovia Sacra Night in August 14-15. The motto of this year’s 15th edition is “Around the Cross” and refers to the jubilee celebrations of Cracow monasteries.

Cracovia Sacra Night has been organized in Krakow since 2008. It is a unique event that has no equivalent in Europe. Its shape, character and programme are very reach. Cracow has been already amazing people with the beauty, multitude and décor of churches since the Middle Ages. It has surprised with the number of monasteries that were important centers of culture and religious thought. They were also places of colourful ceremonies and rich rituals. The phenomenon of the spiritual culture, including the city’s religious culture, has been raised throughout the centuries up to the present day.

The project consists of a number of monasteries in Cracow and in the nearby, for example, the Benedictine Sisters from Staniątki, the Benedictine Fathers from Tyniec, and the Cistercian Fathers from Mogiła.

Each time the Cracovia Sacra Night is accompanied by a theme of the project. This year theme is “Around the Cross” and the event coincides with important anniversaries of several Cracow monasteries: 800th anniversary of the Cistercian Abbey in Mogiła, 550th anniversary of the Paulines in Skałka, and  800th anniversary of St. Mary’s Parish. Apart from visiting sacred buildings, the program includes numerous thematic exhibitions and concerts.


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