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Thousands of “carefree” Russians took part in the annual paddle board festival in St. Petersburg

Thousands of “carefree” Russians took part in the annual paddle board festival in St. Petersburg. The paddle boarders rode through the central canals to mark the questionable 7th anniversary of this colourful event. The situation has sparked heated discussions in the comments. Public opinion on Twitter does not conceal its indignation under the video published on the official Reuters page.

Pictures from the event are available here.

The original Reuter’s post on Twitter: 

The video received the following feedback on Twitter:

Such nice people! It’s really hard to believe that their sons, friends and parents are butchering civilians in Ukraine at the same time!

Oh how nice. They get to live a life that Ukrainians don’t get to.

Also, some Twitter users are shocked by the choice of the video’s subject:

So carefree. You wouldn’t know they were committing atrocities in neighbouring sovereign countries. Interesting choice @Reuters

On the other hand, the same topic has been discussed on WION The World is One News, the Youtube news account. Comments under the video are completely opposite.


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