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The oldest Polish woman Tekla Juniewicz passed away at the age of 116 [VIDEO]

Mrs Tekla Juniewicz passed away today at the age of 116. She lived in Silesia and was the oldest Polish woman and the second oldest person in the world. She loved to play cards and read.

Mrs Telka Juniewicz was born on 10 June 1906 in the village of Krupsko in Austro-Hungary. She was 12 years old when Poland regained its independence. Until the outbreak of the Second World War, she led a quiet life at the side of her husband. After the war, the town became part of the USSR, and she and her family moved to Gliwice. Together with her grandson, she still lived there. Mrs Tekla had two daughters, five grandchildren (the eldest is 70 years old), four great-grandchildren and four great-great-grandchildren.


“At the age of 116, Mrs Tekla Juniewicz has passed away. We will all remember her as the oldest Polish woman and the 2nd oldest person in the world. But I still remember our last meeting. An extraordinary woman with a huge heart. Mrs Tekla, it was an honour to have met you,” Prime Minister Morawiecki wrote on Twitter. 


This year, Mrs Juniewicz had her 116 birthday and on 19 April 2022, she became the second oldest person in the world.


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