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“Gwarki” – one of the largest cyclical cultural and historical events in Tarnowskie Góry [VIDEO]

“Gwarki Days” refer to “games and comedies” organized during city fairs. Sine 1561, only one of them has taken place at the beginning of September. This year, the celebrations will last four days from September 8-11. “Gwarki Days” also refer to the mining festival celebrated on July 16 that commemorates the rediscovery of silver-bearing ores near Tarnowskie Góry in 1784. The name of the event comes from miners who extract silver-bearing galena, called “Gwarki”.

The originator of this most recognizable city festival was Antoni Gładysz. The Grape Harvest Festival in Zielona Góra was his inspiration. The professor was fascinated by the procession prepared for this occasion so he decided to transfer a similar event to Tarnowskie Góry.

An indispensable element of the event is a special procession that takies place on the last day of this holiday, i.e. Sunday. The procession in a lively way, often with a pinch of salt, introduces the history of the Tarnowskie Góry city, presenting, among others: its founders, legendary figures, famous guests and inhabitants of Tarnowskie Góry, as well as the most important episodes from the history of Tanowskie Góry.


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