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    Lotos Kolej trains train drivers

    Professional trainings for train drivers on the Dragon 2 locomotive simulator began at Lotos Kolej in Gdańsk on Monday. The machine cost about PLN 1.5 million. It will improve the skills of over 400 train drivers working in the company.

    In the simulator, which accurately reflects the locomotive’s cabin, you can recreate the conditions of train movement close to real. In addition, the classes carried out on the device allow you to check the driver’s reactions in emergencies that may actually occur, e.g. car entry on a rail crossing. Lotos Kolej currently employs over 400 train drivers and is the second largest rail freight carrier in Poland in terms of transport performance, as well as a leader in the transport of dangerous goods. At present, the company trains 22 future train drivers for its own needs. There is a high demand for train drivers because the average age of train drivers in the company is over 55 years.

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