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International Mines Rescue Competition – KGHM Polska Miedz SA left for the USA

The team of KGHM Polska Miedz SA mine rescuers has just left for the USA, where they will take part in the International Mines Rescue Competition. In previous years, KGHM rescuers won, among others, bronze and gold medals. This year’s International Mines Rescue Competition is set for September 9-16, 2022.

According to, the purpose of the IMRC is to present realistic simulations that will allow organizers to:

1. Evaluate skills required to perform rescue operations in a mining environment.
2. Judge participants in an open and transparent manner.
3. Provide feedback to all participants.
4. Promote Mine Rescue through improved communication, co-operation and knowledge transfer between responders, mine operators, suppliers, regulators and educators.

KGHM White Eagles  will take part in the competition for the 12th time. They have won the championship twice and are always on top of the classification. The team consisted of 9 rescuers, a translator and a technical director Sebastian Rakowiecki.

KGHM’s rescuers have been preparing for the competition for many weeks, incl. on the training track in Sobin. During the September competition, they will compete with teams from around the world in several competitions. They will test their strength in a simulated rescue operation, firefighting operation, rescue operation at height and first aid.  (

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