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    Soviet Russia invaded Poland 83 years ago

    Today marks the 83rd anniversary of the Soviet Union’s aggression against Poland and the Day of the Siberian Deportee.

    17 September 1939. The Red Army acted militarily against Poland, breaking the non-aggression pact signed in 1932. The official pretext for the aggression was contained in a diplomatic note handed over at 3 a.m. on 17 September by the Deputy People’s Commissar of Foreign Affairs. It included a false statement about the disintegration of the Polish state and the flight of the Polish government. As a consequence, the USSR declared all agreements previously concluded with Poland to be null and void – as having been concluded with a non-existent state. Further consequences of the USSR’s aggression against Poland were the mass repression of the Polish population remaining in the eastern territories of the Republic, and the plundering of Polish national property and private assets. 



    “The Day of the Siberian Deportee takes place every year on the anniversary of the invasion of Poland by Soviet Russia in 1939. #OTD we pay tribute to hundreds of thousands of inhabitants of the occupied lands who were exiled to Siberia by the Soviets,” the Chancellery of the Prime Minister of Poland wrote on Twitter. 


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