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    Kidawa-Błońska and Jaśkowiak

    An election convention of the Civic Platform party was held in the Warsaw Global Expo hall. The opposition chose its presidential candidate, Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska, who will run in next year’s presidential elections.

    The convention began with harsh criticism of the rule of Law and Justice and the presidency of Andrzej Duda, coming from the head of the Platform Grzegorz Schetyna. Afterwards, things went according to the script that commentators have been speculating about for weeks. Deputy Marshal of the Sejm, Małgorzata Kidawa Błońska won with Jacek Jaśkowiak by a clear majority of votes.

    „The pre-campaign begins now, then the campaign in March, so I have to be very well prepared. I have great people who want to work with me. I both believe and am convinced that this will not only be a winning campaign, but also a very interesting one for Poles”- says Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska, Civic Platform presidential candidate.

    Jacek Jaśkowiak appealed for support for Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska.

    „Małgorzata, congratulations. Starting today, we all support Małgorzata. We have to help her. Let’s win this election for Poland”- says Jacek Jaśkowiak, Mayor of Poznań, Civic Platform.

    The head of the Civic Coalition Club, Borys Budka, and Marshal of the Senate, Tomasz Grodzki, stood behind Małgorzata Kidawa-Błońska.

    „Małgorzata Kidawa Błońska knows how to win. She won with Jarosław Kaczyński here in Warsaw, she will win with Andrzej Duda in Poland. Of course, hard work awaits us all”- says Borys Budka, Head of the Civic Coalition Club.

    “Małgorzata Kidawa Błońska has a great chance of winning against President Duda and that was my motive, but I reiterate – both candidates are great people”- says tomasz Grodzki, Marshal of the Senate.

    During the convention, the Civic Platform’s National Council met to adopt a resolution to call elections for the party chairman. The possible successor to Grzegorz Schetyna will be chosen by direct election, in which all members of the grouping will have the right to participate. For now, the desire to apply for leadership in the Civic Platform has been reported by the head of the Civic Coalition Club (currently the vice-chairman of the party) Borys Budka, senator Bogdan Zdrojewski and deputy Joanna Mucha. The unspoken secret is that Grzegorz Schetyna, whose term expires at the end of January 2020, is the favorite in the power struggle in the Civic Platform.


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