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    “The Best Annual Report” contest summary: KGHM is a leader in the quality of reporting and communication

    The results of the contest “The Best Annual Report” has been announced during the Final Gala at Warsaw Stock Exchange. KGHM received the “The Best Of The Best” award in the competition of the Institute of Accounting and Taxes, obtaining the highest rating among participants.

    “The Best Annual Report” aims at creation of recognized patterns of preparation of annual reports with IFRS / IAS standards, in line with formal requirements, recommendations of international organizations and the best practices. The primary aim of the contest is to promote companies that prepare the best consolidated annual reports with IFRS / IAS standards, from the point of view of their usefulness for shareholders and investors. The contest is addressed to all companies that prepare consolidated annual reports with IFRS / IAS standards. Those are mainly listed companies (Polish and foreign) and other companies that are obliged to prepare consolidated annual reports with IFRS / IAS standards since 1st January 2005, or that prepare such reports on a voluntary basis, and that aspire to prepare a truly reliable annual report for shareholders and investors. The results of the contest “The Best Annual Report” is announced during the Final Gala at Warsaw Stock Exchange. (

    The winners of The Best of The Best award:


    PKN Orlen SA
    PGNiG SA
    Tauron SA
    ING Bank Śląski SA
    mBank SA
    PZU SA
    Santander Bank Polska SA

    Other award-winning companies:

    The Bogdanka Coal Mine (Lubelski Węgiel “Bogdanka” S.A.) – a distinction for the best business activity report
    Santander Bank Polska SA – a distinction for the best business activity report
    Lotos SA – a distinction for the best financial report according to the IFRS/IAS
    Bank Pekao SA – a distinction for the best financial report according to the IFRS/IAS
    Wielton SA – a distinction for the best debut in the category of financial reports according to the IFRS/IAS
    CCC SA – a distinction for the best report on the application of corporate governance principles
    Santander Bank Polska SA – a distinction for the best report on the application of corporate governance principles
    JSW SA – a  special award for an integrated report
    PZU SA – a  special award for an integrated report
    GK Grupa Kety SA – a distinction for the best debut in the category of integrated reports
    BNP Paribas – a  distinction for an integrated report
    CCC SA  – a special award for the best remuneration report
    Santander Bank Polska SA – a special award for the best remuneration report
    Ciech SA – I Main Prize
    CCC SA – II Main Prize
    JSW SA – III Main Prize
    BNP Paribas SA – I Main Prize
    Kruk SA -II Main Prize
    Bank Pekao SA – III Main Prize
    CloudTechnologies SA – a distinction for the best business activity report
    SDS Optic SA – a distinction for the best business activity report
    TenderHUT SA- a  distinction for the best financial report
    LUG SA – NewConnect SA Main Prize for the best annual report


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