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All Saints’ Ball

Kids are singing, dancing, and dressing up. They do not dress up as ghosts and demons but as saints, biblical figures, or nuns. “All Saints’ Ball” has become the tradition of many schools in Poland. This event may become an alternative to Halloween.

On October 31, the eve of the Solemnity of All Saints’ Day, the alternative to Halloween becomes more and more popular. In some regions, it is called the “All Saints’ Ball.”


Halloween is a celebration observed in many countries on October 31. Popular Halloween activities include trick-or-treating, attending Halloween costume parties, carving pumpkins or turnips into jack-o’-lanterns, lighting bonfires, apple bobbing, divination games, playing pranks, visiting haunted attractions, telling scary stories, and watching horror or Halloween-themed films.


“Kids dress up as patron saints and as their favourite biblical characters. It’s fun, but there’s also some seriousness. The children know that the saints are “real people,” they learn about their history, and each class has its own saint patron who accompanies them,” Fr. Maciej Czaczyk said for wSzczecinie (English: in Szczecin) portal. 


In many cities around the country, City Cultural Centers, schools, and other institutions organize the “All Saints’ Ball” to celebrate October 31 instead of Halloween. Participation in such a party is free and the only duty is to wear a proper costume. In Siemianowice Sląskie, for example, on October 31 there is an “Angels’ Day: Heaven Wins.”

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