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Puma-22 exercise began in Poland

Puma-22 is the largest exercise of the Visegrad Group troops this year. About 2,000 troops from the Visegrad countries as well as those from the US and the UK are taking part in the Puma-22 military exercise starting in Nowa Dęba, southeastern Poland, on Friday.

“The drills will run until November 9 with soldiers from Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary, as well as allies from the United States and Great Britain deployed in Podkarpacie (southeastern Poland – PAP) due to the situation beyond our eastern border,” Przemysław Lipczyński, a spokesman for Poland’s 18th Mechanised Division, said.


“Puma-22 has just commenced! Being the biggest Visegrad Group countries’ exercise of the year, it joints increased efforts of V4 states’ troops   and Allies from  &  further strengthening interoperability capabilities,” Poland MOD informed on Twitter today.


The exercise aims to improve the interoperability of the participating troops, and test their ability to plan, organise and conduct tactical operations in cooperation with allies, he added.


Lipczyński also said that this year the manoeuvre scenarios will take into account experience gained from the war in Ukraine.

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