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    Ursula von der Leyen to visit Poland

    “A visit to Poland, by the head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, will be crowned by the signing of an agreement on the country’s National Recovery Plan (KPO),” Mateusz Morawiecki, Polish Prime Minister said on Tuesday.

    Von der Leyen will visit Poland on Thursday for a visit that could draw a line under one of a number of disputes between Warsaw and Brussels.


    The two have been at loggerheads over changes to the Polish judicial system, and the resulting dispute has led to a delay in the European Commission’s approval of the KPO, which outlines how Poland intends to spend billions of euros in post-pandemic funding.


    “I spoke about the signing of the agreement on Poland’s National Recovery Plan with the President of the European Commission yesterday, as well as today,” the prime minister said during a press conference in Brussels, where he took part in an EU summit. “Today, she confirmed her visit and as well as the entire process.”


    The European Commission has reacted positively to Polish plans to reform a disciplinary chamber for judges that has been at the heart of the dispute.


    Poland could receive EUR 58.1 billion, including EUR 23.9 billion in grants and EUR 34.2 billion in loans under the Recovery Fund

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