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    The Three Seas Initiative sets an example for the EU

    An example of how the European Union should develop is the Three Seas Initiative – the head of the cabinet of the Polish President’s Office Krzysztof Szczerski said today in Krasiczyn (Podkarpackie) during the “Europe of the Carpathians” conference.

    Szczerski participated in the panel “What Europe do we want? How to reform the Union?”. “An example of how the European Union should develop is the Three Seas Initiative. It is developing in the model that was originally the model of European integration,” he said. In his opinion, 12 countries of the Three Seas Initiative “form a dynamic community in part of the European Union”. He added that these countries show that there is room for new ideas in the Europe project that is in crisis. “Ideas that show how to develop European integration in the future, precisely through such specific cooperation models that are built on the real common interest of states,” the head of the President’s Office cabinet noted.  The Three Seas Initiative consists of: three Baltic countries – Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, four countries of the Visegrad Group – Poland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Hungary as well as Slovenia, Croatia, Romania, Bulgaria and Austria. The Three Seas region has 112 million inhabitants, 11 percent of the EU’s GDP and 25 percent of EU’s area.


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