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    All of Poland under yellow zone starting today

    The Polish Ministry of Health reported more than 5 thousand new coronavirus infections in the last 24 hours. The government has introduced new restrictions in an attempt to slow down the spreading of the virus. Shopping hours for seniors are making a return, while wearing masks outside is now obligatory throughout the country.

    “We strongly encourage the elderly to stay at home, where they are safest, whenever they can. In a moment, I will also talk about the support of various state services and institutions for the elderly. At the same time, I want to announce that today, we decided to bring back shopping hours for seniors, just like it was before – in grocery stores and pharmacies. Please, dear compatriots, let us make it easy for the elderly to do their shopping, as they are the most vulnerable. We made a decision to allocate 38 million zloty for Social Care homes. There are around 800 of them in the country. We allocated the 38 million for sanitary protection for these homes because this is where our seniors are and they require extra care.” stated Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki at a special press conference today.

    “We are constantly and intensively working on increasing the number of hospital beds. At the time, province and region governors are reporting that they have 11 thousand beds in total. Let me remind you that approximately 4 thousand of them are occupied. In the coming days we plan to raise the number of beds by 2 thousand, and the same with ventilators. At the beginning of the week there were around 800 ventilators in use, but as of this moment there are over 900 in use. Today I made a decision to send another 300 ventilators to hospitals and an additional 264 cardio-monitors.” followed the Minister of Health Adam Niedzielski.

    “At the moment, 98% of schools operate traditionally, on site. Only 2% teach through video conferences. So far, the strategy proposed by the Ministry of Education in August seems to be working at this difficult time. Thus, we see no signs to implement remote learning.” added PM Morawiecki.


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