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    Ruling Party Launches Nationwide Campaign to Expose Alleged Fraud in Amended Energy Bill

    A spokesperson for Poland’s ruling Law and Justice (PiS) party has unveiled a nationwide campaign aimed at bringing to light “hidden fraud” in an amended energy bill jointly submitted by opposition groups Poland 2050 and Civic Coalition (KO).

    The proposed amendments, presented to the Sejm, the lower house of parliament, by a group of MPs from Poland 2050 and Civic Coalition (KO) on Thursday, seek to modify the rules governing the location of wind farms. Notably, the draft suggests a significant reduction in the minimum distance between wind turbines and residential buildings, from the current 700 meters to 300 meters.

    The PiS party swiftly criticized these proposed changes, branding them as “disastrous” and “harmful to Poles.” Additionally, they asserted that the alterations were orchestrated to facilitate German companies in establishing windmills in Poland without restrictions.

    Rafal Bochenek, the PiS spokesperson, stated on Friday that in the coming days, the party’s parliamentarians would conduct press conferences in each province, unveiling the perilous provisions of the “Windmill Act” and the associated threats.

    Bochenek said that the bill, attributed to Donald Tusk of KO and Szymon Holownia of Poland 2050, appeared to be a deliberate and premeditated move. He claimed that the bill, disguised as an initiative to freeze energy and gas prices for citizens, actually introduces regulations opening the market to foreign companies investing in wind farms.

    According to Bochenek, the PiS party is particularly concerned about forced property expropriation and regulations influenced by lobbyists, including foreign entities. He emphasized that the PiS would consistently remind the public of what they consider to be the fraudulent elements hidden in the Tusk-Holownia coalition’s bill.


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