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    Polish medics are going to Slovakia. They will support our neighbours in widespread testing

    200 Polish doctors and medical representatives will travel to Slovakia, where they will help in the COVID testing process, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki reminded in a Twitter post today (19 Jen 2021). The general testing of Slovaks started on 18th January and will last until 27th January.

    ‘200 Polish doctors and medical representatives will travel to Slovakia, where they will assist in the COVID testing process. I am glad that we can help our friends from Slovakia and the EU. Because good comes back!’ – Prime Minister wrote on Twitter.


    On Monday, during a press conference, the Chief of the Chancellery of Prime Minister Michał Dworczyk announced such support for our neighbours. Polish medical staff is expected to leave this weekend. At the same time, he noted that Prime Minister Morawiecki agreed with Slovak Prime Minister Igor Matovich that Poland would provide them with assistance due to the difficult epidemic situation in our southern neighbours. Screening tests of Slovaks began on Monday, January 18 and will continue until 27th January. They are to be carried out in places where the biggest outbreaks of the disease occur, among others. in the border area with Poland. 


    Slovakia’s government decided on Sunday that the ban on going out will be extended until February 7. 


    During the first action of universal testing, which was carried out in Slovakia at the turn of October and November 2020, they were assisted, among others, by doctors and medics from Hungary and Austria. At the time, 3.6 million people, or two-thirds of the Slovak population, were surveyed. Just over 38.000 were transmitting the coronavirus. 


    The current action of testing is not formally mandatory, but having a negative result will determine the activity of Slovaks. After 27th January, without the appropriate certificate, you will not be able to go to work, go for a walk, travel abroad, refuel your car, receive correspondence or arrange matters in a bank. You will then only be allowed to go to the doctor, do essential shopping at the nearest store, or walk your dogs or cats. The restrictions will not apply to those under 15 or over 65 years old.

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