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    Tomasz Sakiewicz about the Visegrad Group: We can give dynamism to the European Union

    Without the Visegrad Group, the European Union would be a weakening organisation – believes Tomasz Sakiewicz, editor-in-chief of ‘Gazeta Polska’ and ‘Gazeta Polska Daily’. While commenting on the summit of the V4, Sakiewicz stressed that together with partners from other countries ‘we can give dynamism to the European Union’.

    A meeting of the Presidents of the Visegrad Group countries, inaugurating the 30th anniversary of the V4 format, began today in Jurata. Poland holds the Presidency of the Group from 1st July 2020. Andrzej Duda hosts the Presidents of the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary at the Presidential Residence on Hel Peninsula. 


    The two-day summit of the Visegrad Group leaders began with the official welcoming ceremony of the presidents: Milosz Zeman, Janos Ader and Zuzana Czaputova by President Andrzej Duda.


    Editor-in-chief Tomasz Sakiewicz was asked in TVP Info about the importance of the Visegrad Group. 


    ‘This group has quite similar goals, mainly empowerment of the nations that rejected communism, that were in poverty because we were under Soviet occupation. Today, they want to be equal in the European Union, they demand a voice and equal rights, which does not always arouse the enthusiasm of the biggest ones because they see that they have to move a little on the bench,’ emphasized the editor-in-chief of ‘Gazeta Polska’ and ‘Gazeta Polska Daily’. 


    Tomasz Sakiewicz stressed that relations in the Visegrad Group had improved significantly after 2015 when the Law and Justice Party had come to power in Poland.


    ‘Without the Visegrad Group, the European Union would be a weakening organisation, and this organization has its only dynamic part precisely in this part of Europe’.


    Should the European Union follow the example of the Visegrad Group? What direction should it take? 


    ‘The European Union should move towards a Europe of homelands, in which nations are empowered and democracy is respected. Poland and Hungary will propose not to destroy the national identity,’ Tomasz Sakiewicz pointed out.

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