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    National Papal March: Honoring Faith and Legacy

    Join the National Papal March on October 19 to honor St. John Paul II and Fr. Jerzy Popiełuszko’s legacy.

    On October 19, the National Papal March will commemorate the 40th anniversary of Blessed Fr. Jerzy Popiełuszko’s martyrdom. This event invites all believers to manifest their faith in both the Church and the legacy of St. John Paul II.

    A Tribute to St. John Paul II

    St. John Paul II was a spiritual leader who shaped the moral compass of several generations. He defended human dignity, the sanctity of life, and the beauty of marital love. His teachings remain a beacon of hope and faith, especially in today’s troubled world.

    Standing Up for Papal Legacy

    In recent times, attempts to undermine the sanctity and contributions of John Paul II have grown. The National Papal March will serve as a testament of trust in his teachings and a reminder of their continued relevance. Participants will honor his name and stand in solidarity against these unfounded attacks.

    Join the march from Castle Square to the Sanctuary of Blessed Fr. Jerzy Popiełuszko for a closing mass at 4:00 PM.

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