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    Agriculture Ministers Urge European Commission to Resolve Ukrainian Food Imports Issues

    Five agriculture ministers from some of Europe’s most prominent countries have issued a plea to the European Commission (EC) for help in addressing the turbulent impact that increased food imports from Ukraine have had on the EU market. Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Slovakia, and Hungary all expressed their concern over the disruption and urged the EC to consider steps that could be taken to remedy the situation.

    “Agriculture Ministers from across the European Union once again have raised the alarm about the growing imports of agricultural products from Ukraine, warning that it could have a detrimental effect on EU farmers. The Ministers highlighted the fact that it is mainly the member states bordering or close to the border with Ukraine that are bearing the brunt of this disruption in the market. They strongly urged that a fair and equitable solution is needed to address the situation, one that does not place an unfair burden on only a few EU states,”

    reads a letter sent to the EC Commissioners for Trade and Agriculture, Valdis Dombrovskis, and Janusz Wojciechowski, respectively, by the five agriculture ministers.

    In a letter sent to the European Commission, five ministers urged the EC to introduce a support system in cases when imports of a certain product from Ukraine exceed their planned levels. Additionally, the letter proposed that the EU should join forces in purchasing Ukrainian grain for distribution to other countries.

    In a call to action, ministers appealed to the European Commission to quickly complete work on a second aid package from the agricultural reserve to assist EU members located near Ukraine.

    Polish farmers have been dealt a major blow as a flood of agricultural imports, intended for sale in the Middle East and Africa, have been diverted to their country, resulting in a dramatic slump in local prices. The crisis has been felt most keenly among poultry and egg producers, with farmers unable to compete with the influx of cheaper imports.

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