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    Centennial of the State Forests in Poland

    June 28 marked a significant milestone as it commemorated the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the State Forests in Poland. This organization, founded by a decree of the President of the Republic of Poland on June 28, 1924, now manages the majority of the country’s public forests. This centennial celebration was an opportunity to reflect on a century of achievements and to honor the dedication of past and present employees of the State Forests for their efforts in preserving our forest heritage.

    Overcoming Early Challenges

    The inception of the State Forests came during a time of adversity. The pre-war and post-war years presented numerous challenges, including low forest cover, war-induced forest destruction, and significant shortages of personnel and equipment. Despite these hardships, the commitment and hard work of the forestry administration led to a remarkable increase in forest cover and the establishment of a self-sustaining organization that continues to thrive today.

    Modern-Day Challenges

    Today, foresters face new challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss, ecosystem degradation, and increased public demand for forest ecosystem services. Addressing these issues requires the State Forests to intensify their efforts in nature conservation, implement multifunctional forestry practices, and incorporate public input into forest management decisions, all while ensuring sustainable access to wood as a renewable resource.

    Towards a Sustainable Future

    The State Forests remain dedicated to the care and preservation of Poland’s natural heritage for future generations. While there have been achievements and positive changes, recent years have also seen political exploitation and a decline in public trust. Current audits and controls aim to address past misconduct, and new leadership is focused on fostering dialogue with the public and enhancing forest protection initiatives.

    Acknowledging Foresters’ Contributions

    The greatest asset of the State Forests is undoubtedly its workforce. In honoring their hard work and professionalism, we pay tribute to those who have contributed to the development of Polish forestry and the preservation of our forests for future generations. Their dedication sets a benchmark for sustainable forest management and conservation across Europe.

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