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    Cracow Mayor Faces Charges Over Grant Mismanagement Involving Over 1 Million PLN

    Jacek M., the Mayor of Cracow, has been formally charged by the Prosecutor’s Office for allegedly abusing his authority in the allocation of targeted grants to a private entity for the renovation of a historic tenement house. The charges, which involve a sum exceeding 1 million PLN, mark a significant development in the scrutiny of public fund management within the city’s administration.

    Katarzyna Duda, the spokesperson for the Regional Prosecutor’s Office in Cracow, announced that the charges were presented to Mayor Jacek M. earlier today. She outlined that the accusations stem from a failure to fulfill public official duties aimed at securing financial benefits for another individual. This failure reportedly involves the breach of various legal provisions, ranging from statutory acts to the Statute of the City of Cracow, in the process of awarding grants for conservation and restoration work on monuments. The case in point concerns the preferential treatment of a private entity, which was granted funds amounting to 1.19 million PLN for renovation works between 2013 and 2019.

    Despite the serious nature of the allegations, Mayor Jacek M. has denied any wrongdoing and refused to provide explanations, according to the prosecution’s office. In response to the charges, Monika Chylaszek, a spokesperson for the Mayor, labeled the accusations as “absurd.” She emphasized that the decision to allocate grants is made by the City Council of Cracow through resolutions, and not directly by the Mayor himself, challenging the basis of the allegations.

    This case opens a complex debate on the responsibilities and powers of elected officials in the allocation of public funds, especially in contexts requiring sensitive handling, such as the preservation of historical heritage. The ongoing investigation into the matter is closely watched by both local residents and wider public administration observers, as it may have broader implications for governance and accountability in Poland.

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