As December unfolds, Poland transforms into a winter wonderland filled with festive cheer. Streets glisten with colourful lights, the scent of holiday treats wafts...
Does everyone know the true story of Santa Claus? Nowadays, he is associated - by children and adults alike - with a red, warm outfit, the same colour hat with a white pompom and a sleigh pulled by magical reindeer. Meanwhile, Santa Claus known from history has little in common with the image of a corpulent old man in red clothes.
PiS spokesperson Rafał Bochenek responded to allegations involving the use of special services against Karol Nawrocki, a civic presidential candidate, stating that there is...
Explore Polish culture at Vilnius' Christmas Bazaar, supporting charity with handcrafted goods and delicacies.
On November 30, the 22nd International Christmas Charity Bazaar brought together...