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Debate Erupts Over True Death Toll of Southern Poland Floods

In the wake of severe flooding in southern Poland, parliamentary members are raising concerns over the official victim count, questioning the government’s methodology in reporting fatalities. The controversy escalated after a story emerged about Mrs. Wanda, a flood survivor who suffered a fatal heart attack but was not classified as a flood victim. Additionally, incidents where people drowned in cars swept away by floodwaters were reportedly classified as “traffic accidents.”

Prime Minister Donald Tusk, addressing the issue in the Sejm, warned against the spread of misinformation. He criticized claims on social media suggesting thousands of people had perished, calling them “diversion or the work of internet psychopaths.” However, lawmakers from various political factions have voiced doubts about the official narrative.

Krzysztof Ciecióra, a member of the Law and Justice Party (PiS), recounted his experience in Głuchołazy, where he delivered aid and encountered a family mourning a flood victim who was reportedly excluded from the official count due to the cause of death being attributed to a heart attack.

PiS MP Rafał Bochenek also expressed skepticism, accusing the police of downplaying the death toll under government pressure. According to official reports, the flood claimed seven lives across three provinces, but opposition members argue that the real number may be higher.

The debate continues, with calls for greater transparency and a thorough investigation into the true scale of the disaster’s human cost.

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